Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Upland Nut Hugger Brown Ale

Finally, a TheBeerIsGood review has come back to Indiana! Bloomington, IN to be exact.

Style: Brown Ale
Brewery: Upland Brewing Company
Package: 12oz bottle into pint glass
ABV: 5.4%
IBU: 41.4

From Upland's description: "Sometimes, it’s good to be a bit nutty. Take, for instance, our Nut Hugger Brown Ale, a unique twist on a traditional recipe. The familiar, pleasant bitterness you would expect from a brown ale is present, tempered by a full, chewy caramel malt. However, things get interesting once you taste the hints of roasted biscuit and the chocolaty aroma, and to top it off, a touch of sweetness in the finish."
(Oh, how this review could be rife with "nut" jokes. Must... resist...)
Appearance: Dark caramel in color. Opaque. Held my glass up to some light and it looked dense in there. Small half-finger of off-white head that dissipated rapidly. Little to no lacing left behind.

Aroma: Nutty. Hazelnut. A little toffee and sweet malts.

Taste: Not sure what types of nuts, as I'm not a nut person, but it tastes of roasted nuttiness. Caramel sweetness coupled with chocolate and a hint of coffee as well. A little sweet here, but not too much. Touches of hops and bitterness.

Mouthfeel: Surprisingly light mouthfeel. Thought it would have been heavier, but it's not a bad thing that it isn't, in my opinion, as it doesn't take away from the brew at all. Easy on the carbonation and went down smooth.

Overall: A fine example of a brown ale. Too many are either lacking or overpowering in the aroma and taste departments. Nut Hugger was squarely balanced. For instance, the lingering aftertaste - There is one, but it's pleasing, not overpowering. It was very drinkable and I would easily have enjoyed more if I had originally purchased additional bottles. I do believe this is the best I've had from Upland yet.

Grade: A-

Completely subjective intangible (that didn't affect the review or overall grade): I take my pictures with a poor camera. There is no denying this. However, just look at the label again! (Here's a better image, in case my picture is actually that terrible.)
A squirrel drinking beer from a pint glass. That's how you do simplistic genius, people.
There are many great squirrels in history. (Right?) Upland Nut Hugger rises above most and joins the Weeeeeeeee! squirrel in the pantheon of them. (Link NSFW, unless foul-mouthed squirrels are somehow alright by your employer.)

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