Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Week (Or Two) In Labels

Aaaaand... We're back with more labels! Quite a few from local/regional breweries, so let's dive right in, shall we?

Jolly Pumpkin La Roja Grand Reserve - ??% ABV, oak aged amber ale. Jolly Pumpkin is located in Dexter, MI, just west of Ann Arbor. *Shakes fist angrily at the nearby Wolverines*

Surly Darkness - ~10% Russian Imperial Stout - For the fifth year in a row, Brooklyn Center, MN based Surly brought the creepy for this highly sought-after pint-sized bottle.

Greenbush 1825 - 9.3% Belgian-style golden ale. Label darlings Greenbush strike again with 1825. I'm hoping the "little something special" is just love.

New Holland Charkoota Rye - ~8% smoked rye dopplebock. Not a new beer, but I believe a new label for this bomber that follows New Holland's High Gravity Series stock.

Bell's Eccentric Ale 2010 - 10-12% strong ale. From the label copy: "Malt beverage brewed with maple syrup with spices added." and "Brewed under the discerning eye of Larry." Hmm, sounds interesting.

Southern Tier Eurotrash Pilz - 5% pilsner lager. With a name like that, we have our random "WTF?" label winner of the week out of New York - You keep it classy, Southern Tier!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Really enjoy your posts on labels :)

    Where do you find these labels online that have been newly approved?


