Dark Horse is yet another really great brewery in the state of Michigan. Their lineup consists of over a dozen different beers such as IPAs, scotch ales, brown ales and a entire series of stouts that were featured in Draft Magazine. I had the opportunity to sample four overall, some of which you can find around here and some that will give you a good reason to travel to their brewpub in Marshall.

Double Crooked Tree was another robust beer full caramel, pine, citrus and fruit flavor. The appearance consists of a dark amber color with a light off-white head that dissipates quickly. Similar characteristics to Barleywine, this was another heavy hitter. I enjoyed this Double IPA very much, and only after I finished my small glass did I realize it clocks in at over 12%. When it comes to this type of ale, sampling just a few ounces at a time is a great way to enjoy a variety of beer without overdoing it.

Last up for the night was a snifter of Scotty Karate scotch ale. Considerably different than the previous three I tried, this is a very sweet and rich beer. Not normally my favorite style, Dark Horse did a great job with this by making the caramel and toffee really pop. The alcohol is certainly easy to spot at nearly 10%, but it wasn't over-powering. Not something I would want often, but a very enjoyable beverage and great way to cap off the night.
With the exception of 4 Elf, I've seen all of these available in bottles in the South Bend, Mishawaka, Elkhart area at one point or another. Dark Horse makes some very solid beer, and for that reason, I will be traveling up to Marshall for another round. Look for my post in the coming weeks!
Andy, Thanks for coming out to help celebrate the anniversary of Beer Nuts. It was a great night with great beer and lots of great folks. Hope to see you again over in our area of Michiana.