In tribute to Dogfish Head, this review is about their Indian Brown Ale.

Style: American Brown Ale
Brewery: Dogfish Head
Package: Bottle into Bruges Glass
ABV: 7.2
Gravity: Unknown
IBU: 50
Location: Citywide Liquors (Downtown South Bend)
Aroma: Roasted Malt, Coffee, Caramel sweetness and a touch of chocolate.
Appearance: Very dark, leathery brown with subtle red highlights under light with a thick tan head and sticky lace that clings to the glass.
Taste: Huge robust coffee with a reasonable amount of bitterness. The roasted malt and chocolate is balanced well with the sweetness from the caramel and molasses.
Mouthfeel: A little chewy, mild carbonation with a bitter dry finish.
Drinkability: I really enjoy this, not a session beer but is a nice relaxing brew in moderation.
Notes: This is a brown ale, one of my favorite categories, on steroids. If you enjoy coffee, you will probably like this. I have two more of these in my refrigerator and will miss having easy access to this great beer when it's gone.
Food Pairing: Barbecue, stews, steak, etc
Grade: A
DFH is still available in MI. Bell Plaza party store generally has multiple selections. ;-)
I've driven by Belle's hundreds of times and have never stopped in. Thanks for the tip!