Brewery: Victory (www.victorybeer.com)
Package: Bottle into Pint Glass
ABV: 7.3%
Gravity: Unknown
IBU: Unknown
Location: Citywide Liquors (Downtown South Bend)
Aroma: Spices and caramel malt
Appearance: Dark golden color, unfiltered yeast with a light head that disappears quickly.
Taste: The sweet caramel malts come through pretty well on this one with only a slight bitterness from the hops. Finishes with spices and a bread/yeast flavor.
Mouthfeel: Hearty feeling with mild carbonation and very slight alcohol, pretty smooth overall.
Drinkability: Full bodied, solid beer. The alcohol is a little high, not something you would want to spend an evening drinking, but they go down very well.
Notes: This is my first beer experience form Victory, based in Pa, and I must say that it was a good first impression. I also enjoy the idea of a good Helles Bock, as it represents the coming of spring, and all the beer festivals that take place in Germany around that time. Compared to other Helles Bocks that I've tried such as Rogue Dead Guy and Sierra Nevada 30th Anniversary, this stacks up pretty well.
Food Pairing: Shellfish... shrimp, crab, lobster, mussels and spicy food in general.
Grade: B+
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