Package: Bottle into Bruges
ABV: 11%
IBU: Unknown
Location: Citywide
Aroma: Sweet caramel malt with fruity undertones. Nothing much to this.
Appearance: Very dark brown with reddish highlights. Thick tan head and sticky lace that clings to the glass.
Taste: Very sweet caramel flavor with brown sugar and spices. Hints of fig, raisins, and plums.
Mouthfeel: Medium body, medium carbonation.
Overall: Smooth, but way too sweet, so much so that it was tough to get through this one.
Notes: My first Great Divide brew, and I wasn't very impressed. Belgian Strong Ales aren't my favorite brews, however I tried to stay objective. It wasn't terrible, I just was not a fan of this particular beer.
Grade: C+
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