Just as The Beatles arrived in America for the first time to scores of screaming fans, Greenbush Brewing Company has made a splash in the craft beer scene of Northern Indiana by bringing a handful of their brews to Fiddler's Hearth in South Bend.

For this joyous occasion, Greenbush / Indiana Beer brought the following lineup...

Dunegras (IPA, 6.7%)
Anger (Black IPA, 7.6%)
Retribution (Belgian Strong Ale, 8.7%)
1825 (Belgian Strong Ale, 9.3%)
Pain (Imperial Milk Stout, 11.2%)
I had the great opportunity to try each one of those beers, mostly in small samples, and I enjoyed everything. In the interest of honesty, I was not a huge fan of Momento Mori, but that's likely due to the fact that I don't normally enjoy Oktoberfest beers. The beer that really did it for me that night was one that I've been on the lookout for since they opened; Anger. Black IPAs have become one of my favorite styles over the last year, but it seems only a handful are actually done well. Fortunately I now have a local go-to Black IPA in Anger... this beer is amazing! I loved every sip of roasty, bitter, hoppy delicousness. Although I did manage to sample the other beers, Anger was my drink of choice the entire night.
By the time I left around 10:30, most Greenbush beers had run out, and for good reason. Talking with Ben of Indiana Beer, it sounds like we should be seeing more in our area... hopefully soon. Make sure to stop out to South Bend Brewfest for more Greenbush and other great local beer!
Good Beer Wins, with Greenbush Brewing Company!
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